Those Layoffs in the Mortgage Industry
Like so many lines of work it was great for a while. That is, being in the loop for mortgage lending.
Now, as Bloomberg reports, layoffs are taking place or will take place at:
JPMorgan Chase
Wells Fargo
The next shoes to fall will be the jobs associated with the residential housing industry.
As I reflect on in this article, earning a living is very challenging. To me it has been more emotionally draining than the ins and out of an intimate relationship.
Sure there is all that macro jaw-jawing on the macro level about work. Issues like balance and burnout. But on a day-to-day basis trading our labor for income takes so much out of most of us.
During this layoff those who had been in that mortgage slot might rethink how to approach earning a living. When I had been laid off in a corporate restructuring in 1987 I did that kind of assessment. I decided I would never again give the power to an employer to take my ability to earn a living away. I opeted to become self-employed. I still am.
Law and More passes along good luck to those searching for a way to make a living after this trauma.
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