The Lawyer We All Deserve - He Goes to Jail for Client Candy

 "Candy" is the true story of a choir-singing mom who offs with an ax (over 40 hits) the wife of her former lover. But since Hulu masks myriad details we don't know who the lawyer really was. But he is plenty smart. And - spoiler alert - he wins a jury acquittal for his client on self-defense.

One device he uses is arguing with the judge about rulings. He does that aggressively, accusing the judge of bias in the courtroom procedures. So, he is held in contempt serveral times, will have to serve some time in jail after the trial, and will have to pay a fine. 

Obviously, the lawyer has alerted the jurors to possible bias. Isn't any bias pretty bad since this is about a very serious alleged crime with a possible heavy penalty!

He also demonstrates to them that he believes in his client so much that he is willing to go to jail so that this woman gets justice.

In addition, he steals the show. The prosecution consists of two buttoned-down legal types. 

The client walks. After he leaves the courtroom and the handcuffs are attached, he waves them in triumph. 

That's the kind of lawyer we all deserve. On "Boston Legal," Denny Crane was a dead ringer with his stunts. 

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