Outdated Dream? Making Partner in big big law firm

 The poignant post on Subreddit Big Law is from an associate. As this thread shows, this very junior lawyers wonders if it's possible to cope with the stress of doing so much work + the rest of the time thinking about work. Embeded in the question is the lawyer's wondering if Big Law is the right career path.

So far 47 responses have come in. Some of the more interesting essentially say this:

  • Big Law should be treated as a stop-off. Then leverage it for another kind of position such as in-house or government. So, just think about it as temporary.


  • Don't procrastinate. Just do the work. Then there could be more time for oneself.


  • Don't volunteer for extra work if beginning to be feel overwhelmed.


  • Self-care is mandatory. That includes regular exercise.


  • Do laterals. Those facilitate a month or two off between jobs. That's time to relax. 

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