Linkedin and Lawyers

 No slouches when it comes to marketing, law firms nurture their profile sites on professional network LinkedIn. For example, Jones Day has 74,798 followers. 

But, that platform tends to be neglected by the law firms' lawyers who could be enhancing their personal brand. Overall, that's a missed opportunity in three ways. 

One, the aura of the law firm can be enhanced.

Two, there could be more wattage added to the star power of the individual lawyers.

Three, it can create very human points of connection. That builds trust. 

Here are examples of a failure to develop the individual lawyers' profiles:

At Jones Day, the partner who had been former head of White House legal Don McGahn has only 1,104 followers. That is less than the number of my followers on LinkedIn. 

Paul Weiss has 23,698 followers. Its chairperson Brad Karp has only 1,411 followers. Yet, on other forums such as third-party media Leaders Magazine and Fortune, Karp has plenty to share. 

At McGuire Woods there are 17,650 followers. But its new partner Eric Snyder, who parachuted in from Jones Day, has only 1,757 followers. 

I am also no slouch when it comes to marketing - both in pitching ideas and promoting my own services. 

I had recommended to an Am Law 10 law firm chairperson to beef up his LinkedIn presence. No response. If demand continues to soften in some practices, this player might circle back to that idea. 

Connect with Editor-in-Chief Jane Genova


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