"'I wish we had done better with lots of things,' [Chief Executive Officer Parag] Agrawal said during the call [an impromptu kind of town meeting with all Twitter employees]." - Insider, April 29, 2022. Earlier the media reported that the chief legal officer Vijaya Gadde wept at a meeting with her people. She reflected that the future was so uncertain. She also expressed her extreme pride in what they had accomplished. The mood among both the leadership and rank-and-file at Twitter seems to be grief. The profound kind when something big is about be lost - forever. Decades ago so many Gulf Oil employees - present and past - experienced exactly that when Chevron acquired it. Intuitively we knew Our Family of Orange had been wiped out. Although the details are different, what is going on at Twitter and the new film "Memory" could be this: The sense that the very very rich are unstoppable and beyond the norms of society and even justice. Already Musk ...
"...headline hyperbole has taken an explosive turn"- Jonathan Bouquet, The Guardian, May 29, 2022. In the attention economy , which operates more and more on clickbait, headlines are high-value currency. Early in the digital game, when I began blogging in 2005, I got it: An article not receiving many page views could get a second life if it was reposted with a different (read that "more catchy") headline. Usually that was effective. And if the article was popular it could get a third life by being posted later with another catchy headline. As competition keeps increasing for attention, it's become a dog fight. You bet I focus on how I can create THE headline which will grab, hold, and grow attention. Incidentally it was partly because I was so skilled in the headline game that AOL had hired me as contract career columnist. If something wasn't attracting eyeballs, then slap on another headline. We will continue to juice the headlines. That will be the ...
" ... he [David Curran] says the biggest challenge is the lack of law school education surrounding ESG. 'We had to put this whole curriculum together at our firm that didn't exist, and the same is true everywhere else,' Curran said. 'There is no course at a law school about this, but we're hoping that in the next 18 months that changes.'" - Anna Sanders, Law360, April 13, 2022. It had been two years and one month ago since David Currant had become The Chief Sustainability and ESG Officer at law firm Paul Weiss. That was for its newly launched Sustainability – ESG practice . The innovation had been the first-ever in the US legal sector. Its mission has been to guide corporate leaders through the landmines of ESG (Environmental Social Governance) values. Here is how Paul Weiss puts it: “We advise on matters such as stakeholder engagement, corporate governance, crisis management, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, diversity and inclusion...
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